Batteries BlackBerry

Battery BlackBerry 9800 Torch 1300mAh Li-Pol F-S1
Compatible with next model: 9810 Torch

Battery BlackBerry Z10 3G 1550mAh Li-Pol LS1
Compatible with next model: Z10 4G

Battery BlackBerry 9350 1000mAh Li-Pol E-M1
Compatible with next model: 9360

Battery BlackBerry 8900 1150mAh Li-Pol D-X1
Compatible with next model: 9500, 9520, 9530, 9550, 9630, 9650

Battery BlackBerry 9320 1550 mAh Li-Pol J-S1
Compatible with next model: BlackBerry 9320

Battery BlackBerry 9900 1230mAh Li-Pol J-M1
Compatible with next model: 9790, 9860, 9930

Battery BlackBerry 9000 1550mAh Li-Pol M-S1
Compatible with next model: 9700, 9780

Battery BlackBerry Q10 2100mAh Li-Ion N-X1
Compatible with next model: BlackBerry Q10